Privacy Policy
All information collected from a User pursuant to provision of Services under these Terms is subject to Nandisha Tech Privacy Policy. By using our Platform and/or Services, you hereby consent to the use of your information as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Nandisha Tech reserves the right to reclaim an Account without any prior notice to the concerned User if the Account is found to be inactive. For the purpose of this clause, an Account is considered as inactive if the concerned User has not signed in and/or has not done any transaction(s) for more than six (6) consecutive months.
Nandisha Tech’s Services and/or Platform may include links or references to third-party websites or services solely for User’s convenience. Nandisha Tech has no control over the Reference Sites and does not endorse any such Reference Sites or the information, materials, products, or services contained on or accessible through them. Correspondence or business dealings between Users and the concerned Reference Sites are solely between such User and the concerned Reference Site. Access and use of Reference Sites, including the information, materials, products, and services on or available through Reference Sites is solely at the concerned User’s own risk. You acknowledge and agree that Nandisha Tech shall not be liable, directly, or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by your use of or reliance on any materials, products, and services on or available through Reference Sites. It is also clarified that Nandisha Tech shall have no liability with respect to any acts, omissions, errors, representations, warranties, breaches, or negligence of the Reference Sites or for any personal injuries, death, property damage, or other damages or expenses resulting from your interactions with the Reference Sites.
The User hereby accepts that:
- Nandisha Tech may send transactional or non-transactional business communication in the form of SMS or email or push notifications as part of its efforts to fulfil your request or service your Account. A User may continue to receive transactional and critical communication from Nandisha Tech even after opting out of marketing communications. You expressly waive any registration or preference made under DND/NCPR list under applicable TRAI regulations.
- Nandisha Tech will make the best efforts to provide notifications and it shall be deemed that the User shall have received the information sent from it during the course of, or in relation to, using the Platform or availing any Services. Nandisha Tech shall not be under any obligation to confirm the authenticity of the person(s) receiving the alert. The User shall not hold the Company liable for non-availability of any notification service in any manner whatsoever.
- In no event will Nandisha Tech or its directors, agents, officers, or employees be liable to a User for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost business opportunities, lost revenues, or loss of anticipated profits or loss of goodwill, or any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary loss or damage of any nature whatsoever) of any kind arising out of or relating to:
- these Terms or any other agreement entered between the User and Nandisha Tech;
- the Services, Platform, or Reference Sites;
- In no event will Nandisha Tech or its directors, agents, officers, or employees be liable to a User for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost business opportunities, lost revenues, or loss of anticipated profits or loss of goodwill, or any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary loss or damage of any nature whatsoever) of any kind arising out of or relating to:
- User’s use or inability to use the Services, Platform, or any Reference Sites, even if Nandisha Tech or its authorized representative has advised of the possibility of such inaccessibility;
- unauthorized access to or alterations or transmission of data, any material or data sent or received or not sent or received;
- any transaction(s) entered into by any third person or conduct of any other third-party or any infringement of another’s intellectual property rights;
- the use of counterfeit or stolen cards, or stolen devices, or;
- fraudulent electronic transactions.
- It shall be at the sole discretion of Nandisha Tech to reverse any transaction subject to approval of the concerned Service Provider. Notwithstanding the above, if any court of law finds that Nandisha Tech or its directors, officers, or employees, are liable to indemnify a concerned User despite the existence of this Clause 1.7, such liability shall not exceed the amount paid by the concerned User, if any, for using the portion of the Services or the Platform giving rise to such cause of action.
- Users acknowledge and agree that Nandisha Tech has offered its products and Services, set its prices, and entered into these Terms and applicable agreement in reliance upon the warranty, disclaimers, and the limitations of liability set forth herein.
- Users acknowledge that the warranty, disclaimers, and the limitations of liability set forth herein reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risk between Users and Nandisha Tech, and that the warranty, disclaimers, and the limitations of liability set forth herein form an essential basis of the bargain between Users and Nandisha Tech. Nandisha Tech would not be able to provide the Services to Users on an economically reasonable basis without these limitations.
- Users understand that Nandisha Tech or the Service Providers may reject authentication and/or authorization of transaction placed by Users for any reason including but not limited to insufficient funds, incorrect authentication details provided, expired card/bank account, risk management, suspicion of Fraudulent Transaction (defined below), selling of restricted or banned items, use of compromised cards or bank account numbers, use of banned/blacklisted cards or bank account numbers, use of suspicious API or in accordance with Applicable Law.
- Users further acknowledges that as a security measure Nandisha Tech and/or the Service Providers may at their sole discretion, and in accordance with Applicable Law, permanently or temporarily, block any or all Services from any specific blocked or blacklisted group of IP addresses, devices, geographic locations and/or undertake any such risk mitigation measures as deemed necessary.
- As a risk management tool, Nandisha Tech and/or the Service Providers reserve the right to limit or restrict the transaction size, amount and/or monthly volume at any time. Nandisha Tech considers various factors and such determination will be at its sole discretion.
- If Nandisha Tech identifies any unauthorized transaction and/or use case (“ Fraudulent Transaction”), the User shall be notified by Nandisha Tech. The User shall furnish documents and information pertaining to the transaction within one (1) day (or such other period specified by the bank).
- The User agrees and acknowledges that:
- if the User is unable to furnish relevant documents, or
- the bank is not satisfied with the documents furnished by the User, then the bank shall be entitled to order Nandisha Tech to affect a reversal of the amount associated with the Fraudulent Transaction.
- Nandisha Tech shall also be entitled to suspend the settlement of the amount under dispute or hold the value of transaction under dispute from following the settlement of the transaction during the pendency of inquiries, investigations, and resolution thereof by the Service Provider to the User.
- If the amount in respect of the Fraudulent Transaction has already been settled to you pursuant to these Terms, any dispute arising in relation to the said Fraudulent Transaction, following settlement, shall be resolved in accordance with notifications, circulars and guidelines issued by the RBI in this regard from time to time.
- The User also agrees and acknowledges that it shall be liable to pay fines, penalties and charges imposed by banks, card payment networks or any regulatory authority on account of transactions that are in violation of Applicable Law.
- The User further agrees and acknowledges that following Nandisha Tech incurring the charge stipulated in clause 1.8 (ii), if the available transaction amounts are insufficient for deduction of the Amount associated with the transaction, then Nandisha Tech is entitled to issue a debit note seeking reimbursement of the amount from the User. The User shall reimburse the amount within three (3) working days of receipt of the debit note.
- The Parties hereto agree that the User shall be solely liable for any payment instructions for transactions accepted by the User as per the Terms hereof which are subsequently disputed due to (a) authorization by the User of any Transaction with an amount exceeding the User’s account balance or credit limit, or (b) authorization by the User of a Fraudulent Transaction.
- The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that Nandisha Tech is a facilitator for payment processing services which are requested by the User. Nandisha Tech shall not be responsible for any unauthorized transactions done by any person including a third-party which may cause infringement of such third-party’s rights or loss of any amounts claimed by the customers. Users shall be responsible to ensure due protection while transacting online or otherwise. Nandisha Tech will assist the Users in settling any queries related to the Services that arise between the Users, and their customers. However, Nandisha Tech shall bear no responsibility with respect to any dispute or query related to payment made to the Users by their customers.
- You agree and acknowledge that Nandisha Tech shall not be liable for any liability arising in respect of a Fraudulent Transaction whether it is domestic or international.
- While accessing/using the Platform and Services, Users shall comply with these Terms and Applicable Law including without limitation pertaining to data security and management, data storage, sharing and data protection, and shall ensure the same level of compliance by all its employees, agents, and representatives.
- User confirms and certifies that it shall not engage in any act that violates Applicable Law. It shall also ensure that financial data or any other information of the customers received by the User are stored in a system only in India. This data shall include full end to end transaction details/information collected/carried/processed as part of the message/payment instructions. The User also acknowledges and agrees that the Account balance maintained by the Users on the Platform shall be non-interest bearing and shall be forfeited by Nandisha Tech if found lying unused for more than three hundred and sixty-five (365) days.
- User hereby grants and confirms the existence of the right of lien and set-off with Nandisha Tech, which Nandisha Tech may exercise at any time without prejudice to any of its specific rights under any other agreements with the User. Nandisha Tech may at its sole discretion and without notice to User, utilize and/or appropriate any monies belonging to such User which are lying/deposited with Nandisha Tech or due by Nandisha Tech to such User and/or any balance monies lying and/or any monies deposited and/or any future receivables by way of deposit of the monies in the Account in order to recover funds for transactions which are incorrectly or erroneously processed.
- Nandisha Tech shall also be entitled to freeze operations of the Account of any User and/or exercise the right of lien and/or set-off with or without notice, if Nandisha Tech is of the view and/or suspects any omission and/or commission of any act including but not limited to any access etc., for such period as it may deem fit until it has received to its satisfaction necessary clarifications as sought from the User and/or until it is convinced that operations in that Account can recommence. The User shall forthwith furnish all clarifications/information sought by Nandisha Tech and Nandisha Tech shall not be held responsible or liable for any losses, expenses, costs etc. suffered or incurred by the User by reason of freezing of the Account and/or due to exercise of the right of lien and set-off by Nandisha Tech. Nandisha Tech shall also be entitled to de-freeze the Account or remit the amount standing to the credit of such Account(s) whether jointly or singly, as the case may be, to the concerned authority without any notice to the User pursuant to the receipt of any notice or direction to that effect from any statutory/regulatory/legal/investigative authorities.
The User represents and warrants that:
- it is eligible and has the legal capacity or authority to enter into, exercise rights under, and perform obligations under these Terms.
- it has read and reviewed these Terms and had sufficient time to evaluate and investigate the provision of Services under the applicable agreement and the financial requirements and risks associated with the same.
- it has duly accepted these Terms, which form a legal, valid, and binding obligation, and are enforceable in accordance with the clauses stipulated herein.
- its use of the Services is solely for its own bona fide use and in compliance with Applicable Law as well as any directions issued by Nandisha Tech from time to time.
- it shall immediately intimate Nandisha Tech of any violation or potential violation of these Terms or of other circumstances that may cause damage to Nandisha Tech’s goodwill and reputation.
- it shall be responsible to obtain any and all consents and approvals that are required from regulatory or governmental authorities, including any consent from customers required to transfer personal data to the User and/or Nandisha Tech or its Affiliates required for the access/use of the Platform or Services, as the case may be, in accordance with Applicable Law.
- it shall be solely responsible for and hereby undertakes to strictly comply with Nandisha Tech’s Privacy Policy, and Applicable Law including but not limited to data protection, security, piracy, and directions issued by the regulators relating to payment data, and shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect all registrations required under Applicable Law for the operation of the business in terms of the applicable agreement. It shall also not deal in any of the products or services as mentioned in list of Restricted Services of these Terms. Please note that this list of Restricted Services is subject to addition/change without prior intimation to you.
- it shall not access (or attempt to access) the Platform and the Services by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Nandisha Tech. It shall not use any deep-link, page scrape, robot, spider or other automated device, program, algorithm, or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of the Platform, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational infrastructure or presentation of the Platform.
- it shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Platform, or any other systems or networks connected to the Platform or to any server, computer, network, or to any of the services offered on or through the Platform, by hacking, password mining or any other illegal means.
- it shall inform the Company in case income tax return is not filed by the User for the financial years starting from FY 2024-2025 and undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified Nandisha Tech against any and all losses, claims, liabilities, costs, taxes, interest, penalties imposed by any government and regulatory authority for non-complying with Section 206AB or any other provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961. The User also agrees that in case of any non-compliance as per the above-mentioned section, Nandisha Tech shall recover TDS amount from the User along with interest and penalty.
- it shall assist Nandisha Tech in furnishing to its auditors, Service Providers, governmental authorities, or law enforcement agencies, forthwith upon request from time to time, KYC Documents, relevant books, the original copy/copies of proof of transactions, invoices, or other records, and shall retain records relating to transactions for a period of 10 (ten) years from the relevant date of the order placed on the Platform.
User agrees to indemnify, save, and hold Nandisha Tech, its Affiliates, contractors, employees, officers, directors, agents and its third-party suppliers, licensors, and partners harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits which may be threatened or brought against Nandisha Tech, and also against all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges, and expenses, including without limitation, legal fees and expenses arising out of or related to:
- Users’ use or misuse of Platform/Services;
- User’s use or misuse of the Account;
- any violation by the User of these Terms or applicable agreement;
- any breach of representations, warranties and covenants made by the User in these Terms or applicable agreement;
- any claim or legal notice or quasi-legal proceedings to which Nandisha Tech may be required to become party or to which Nandisha Tech may be subjected by any person including any governmental authority, by reason of breach of any Applicable Law;
- due to failure of a User to obtain any required statutory or regulatory approval necessary for the performance of its obligations in the applicable agreement with Nandisha Tech;
- all liability, claims, damages, costs, expenses suffered or incurred by Nandisha Tech as a result of any act or violation by User under Section 269ST of the Income Tax Act, 1961 while acting as collection agent of Nandisha Tech;
- Nandisha Tech reserves the right, at User’s expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter, including rights to settle, for which concerned User is required to indemnify Nandisha Tech. The User agrees to cooperate with Nandisha Tech’s defiance and settlement of these claims. Nandisha Tech will use reasonable efforts to notify the User of any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party that is subject to the foregoing indemnification upon becoming aware of it.
To the fullest extent permissible under Applicable Law, Nandisha Tech and its Affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by a User from Nandisha Tech or through Nandisha Tech’s Services or the Platform will create any warranty not expressly stated herein. Nandisha Tech does not authorize anyone to make any warranty on its behalf and Users should not rely on any such statement. Users acknowledge that Nandisha Tech is a reseller and is not liable for any third-party seller’s obligations. It is User’s responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, merchandise, and other information provided through the Platform or on the internet generally. Nandisha Tech does not warrant that the Services will be provided uninterrupted, or free of errors, viruses, or other harmful components, and that any of the foregoing defects will be corrected. Nandisha Tech’s Services and the Platform and any data, information, third-party software, Reference Sites, or software made available in conjunction with or through its Services and the Platform are provided on an “as is” and “as available” and “with all faults” basis and without warranties or representations of any kind either express or implied. Nandisha Tech and its third-party suppliers, licensors, and partners do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the Services, the Platform or any Reference Sites in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.
- Nandisha Tech’s Services and the Platform are owned and operated by Nandisha Tech and/or third-party licensors. The visual interfaces, graphics, design, compilation, information, computer code (including source code and object code), products, software, services, and all other elements of the Services and the Platform provided by Nandisha Tech (the “Materials”) are protected by Applicable Law.
- As between User and Nandisha Tech, all Materials and Nandisha Tech’s Intellectual Property are the property of Nandisha Tech and/or third-party licensors or suppliers as applicable. User agrees not to remove, obscure, or alter Nandisha Tech or any third-party’s copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within or accessed in conjunction with or through the Services.
- Either Party does not accrue any rights or interest in the other Party’s Intellectual Property and use of any Intellectual Property by either Party shall be strictly for the fulfilment of and in compliance with the terms of the agreement between the Parties.
- The Parties undertake that they shall not, nor will they allow others to, reverse engineer or disassemble any parts of the other’s Intellectual Property.
- If Users’ have comments regarding the Services and the Platform or ideas on how to improve it, please write to our 24×7 Helpdesk at Please note that by doing so, concerned User hereby irrevocably assign to Nandisha Tech, and shall assign to Nandisha Tech, all right, title and interest in and to all ideas and suggestions and any and all worldwide intellectual property rights associated therewith. The concerned User agrees to perform such acts and execute such documents as may be reasonably necessary to perfect the foregoing rights.
- User acknowledges that Nandisha Tech has granted the User a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to avail the Services and make personal use of the Platform and/or the Services. Therefore, the User undertakes that:
- they shall use the Intellectual Property solely for discharge of their duties under the applicable agreement;
- they shall use Intellectual Property of other party only in the form and manner stipulated by such party;
- they shall not sell, license, distribute, copy, modify, publicly perform, or display, transmit, publish, edit, adapt, create derivative works from, or otherwise make unauthorized use of the Materials or Nandisha Tech’s Intellectual Property;
- they shall seek prior written consent from other party for use of such party’s Intellectual Property which is not previously provided for by such Party;
- they shall bring to other party’s notice all cases concerning such party’s Intellectual Property’s (a) infringement, (b) passing off, (c) registration, or (d) attempted registration;
- they shall render to other party all assistance in connection with any matter pertaining to the protection of such party’s Intellectual Property whether in courts, before administrative agencies, or otherwise;
- they shall refrain from taking any action which shall or may impair other party’s right, title, or interest in the Intellectual Property, or create any right, title, or interest therein or thereto, adverse to that of the other party;
- they shall not use or permit to be used the Intellectual Property by any unauthorized person;
- they shall not misuse the Intellectual Property or use it together with any other mark(s);
- they shall not use any of Nandisha Tech’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features;
- they shall not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including trademark and copyright notices), which may be affixed to or contained within the Services; and
- they shall not copy or transmit any of the Services.
Nandisha Tech has the right to change, modify, add, delete, discontinue, remove, or impose conditions on any feature of these Terms, either in its entirety or a part thereof at any time by posting a notification on the Platform or otherwise communicating the notification to Users. The changes will become effective, and shall be deemed accepted by Users, twenty-four (24) hours after the initial posting and shall apply immediately on a going-forward basis with respect to payment transactions initiated after the posting date. If a User does not agree with any such modification, the User’s sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate their use of the Platform/Services.
- The User shall keep Confidential Information as confidential. The User confirms that it shall protect Confidential Information with such security, confidentiality, and degree of utmost care as it would prudently apply to its own confidential information and use it solely in connection with the transaction to which the Confidential Information relates. The User acknowledges and agrees that it is aware of the sensitivity & secrecy involved in keeping the customer data/information and transaction records and shall ensure that neither the User nor their employees, directors etc. will do any act to violate the same.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Clause 1.16 (i), Confidential Information shall exclude any information: (a) which is already in the possession of the receiving Party and not subject to any other duty of confidentiality; (b) that is at the date hereof, or subsequently becomes, public otherwise than by reason of a breach by the receiving Party of these Terms; (c) information that becomes legally available to the receiving Party and/or its Affiliates or professional advisors on a non-confidential basis from any third-party, the disclosure of which does not, to the knowledge of that Party, violate any contractual or legal obligation which such third-party has to the other Party with respect to such information; and (d) information that is independently acquired or developed by the receiving Party and/or its Affiliates or professional advisors.
- The User hereby agrees that it shall not disclose any Confidential Information received by it without the prior written consent of Nandisha Tech to any third-party at any time. Provided however, that either Party may make the following disclosures for which no consent shall be required from the other Party:
- Disclosures to its directors, officers, employees, Affiliates/subsidiaries/group/holding companies, third party service providers and any employees thereof that it reasonable determines need to receive the Confidential Information;
- Disclosures to its legal and other professional advisers, instructed by it that it reasonably determines need to receive the Confidential Information; or
- Disclosures to any person to whom it is required under Applicable Law or any applicable regulatory, supervisory, judicial, or governmental order, to disclose such information, or at the request of any regulatory or supervisory or judicial or government authority.
Nandisha Tech reserves the right to terminate/suspend these Terms or User’s access to the Platform and Services without prior notice and without any liability to the User or any third-party. In the event the User wants to terminate the Terms, it can email with a prior notice of thirty (30) days to stop the Services. Any suspension/termination of the User’s access to the Platform and Services shall be without prejudice to Nandisha Tech’s right to exercise any other remedy available to it under the Applicable Law.
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India, without regard to its conflict of law provisions and the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in New Delhi, India.
Nandisha Tech shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations under these Terms to the extent such failure is due to causes beyond its reasonable control. In the event of a force majeure event, Nandisha Tech if unable to perform shall notify the User in writing of the force majeure event and the performance obligations of the Company will be extended by a period of time equal to the length of the delay caused by such force majeure event; provided that if any such delay exceeds ninety (90) days, then following such ninety-day period, either Party hereto may terminate the unperformed portions of these Terms with a ten (10) days prior written notice to the other Party. For the purposes of these Terms, force majeure events shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God, failures or disruptions, orders or restrictions, war or warlike conditions, hostilities, sanctions, mobilizations, blockades, embargoes, detentions, revolutions, riots, looting, strikes, stoppages of labour, lockouts or other labour troubles, earthquakes, fires or accidents and epidemics and/or pandemics.
- If any provision of these Terms is held to be unlawful, void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, then such provision shall be limited or eliminated from these Terms to the minimum extent required, and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable.
- These Terms and any rights granted hereunder, shall not be assignable by the User, but may be assigned by Nandisha Tech without any restriction. Any assignment attempted to be made in violation of this clause 1.19 shall be void and of no effect.
- HEADINGS- The heading references herein are for convenience purposes only, and do not constitute a part of these Terms, and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof.
- Nandisha Tech may provide Users with notices and communications through registered e-mail, regular mail, or posts on the Nandisha Tech website(s) or Platform or by any other reasonable means. Except as otherwise set forth herein, notice to Nandisha Tech must be sent by courier or registered post to Nandisha Tech India Limited, 192B LINTON STREET, Linton Street, Kolkata, Kolkata- 700014, West Bengal.
- The failure of Nandisha Tech to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Any waiver of any provision of these Terms, express or implied, shall be effective only if in writing and signed by Nandisha Tech.
- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES. The Terms are not intended by the Parties to constitute or create a joint venture, pooling arrangement, partnership, agency, or formal business organization of any kind. Nandisha Tech and the User shall be independent contractors with each other for all purposes at all times and neither Party shall act as or hold itself out as an agent or representative of the other Party nor shall create or attempt to create liabilities for the other Party by acting or holding itself out as such.
2: Privacy Policy
Nandisha Tech India Limited (“Nandisha Tech”, “we”, “us”, “our”), respects every individual’s right to privacy and it is our endeavor to protect their personal and Sensitive personal data or information (defined below).
This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to all visitors (i.e. those who do not have an Account with Nandisha Tech) and users (i.e. those who have an Account with Nandisha Tech) (collectively referred to as “User”) who share their personal and Sensitive personal data with us, while visiting, accessing, browsing and using our website and mobile application (collectively referred to as “Website”). The purpose of this Policy is to inform Users regarding collection, use, storage, transfer and disclosure of their data. Before submitting any information to us, please carefully read this Policy to understand how we shall treat your information.
The User acknowledges that this Policy is a part of Nandisha Tech’s Terms &Conditions and all the terms defined there have the same meaning here in this Policy. Access, browsing and continuous use of the Website constitutes the User’s unconditional consent to this Policy read together with the Terms of Use. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Policy, please do not visit and use our Website. This Policy can be easily accessed at various places on our Website, including but not limited to when Users create an account with us on our Website.
Nandisha Tech reserves its right to modify, alter, and update this Policy at any time, with or without prior notice. Although, Users shall be notified of material changes through their registered email address or any other mode of communication available with us, it is advised that they consult this Policy regularly to be updated about the changes. If a User continues to use or avail the services of the Website after any modification, amendment, alteration or change of this Policy, irrespective of whether notice was sent to the User or published on the Website, such User is hereby deemed to provide consent to this Policy and Nandisha Tech’s other Policies and practices existing at the time of visiting, accessing and/or using the Website.
This Policy is published in compliance of:
- Section 43A of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“Act”)
- Regulation 4 of the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules, 2011 (“SPI Rules”)
- Personal Information
SPI Rules define “Personal Information” as any information that relates to a natural person, which, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with a body corporate, is capable of identifying such person. Such information includes name, address, mobile number, etc.
- Sensitive personal data or information
SPI Rules define “Sensitive personal data or information” of a person as personal information which consists of information relating to:
- passwords;
- financial information such as bank accounts or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
- physical, physiological and mental health condition;
- sexual orientation;
- medical records and history;
- biometric information;
- any of the information received under above clauses by body corpoli> for processing or storage under lawful contract or otherwise.
Information which is freely available in the public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law shall not be regarded as sensitive personal data or information.
Location Information :
In order to provide certain Services, we may require access to location information, including precise geolocation information collected from your device. If you do not consent to collection of this information, certain Services will not function properly and you will not be able to use those Services.
We do not share your location data with third parties unless necessary to provide the requested services, comply with the law, or with your consent.
You can control or disable location services at any time through your device settings.
- Payment Data
“Payment Data” is defined as end-to-end transaction details and information pertaining to payment or settlement transaction that is gathered / transmitted / processed as part of a payment message / instruction. Payment Data includes – Customer data (Name, Mobile Number, email, Aadhaar Number, PAN number, etc. as applicable); Payment sensitive data (customer and beneficiary account details); Payment Credentials (OTP, PIN, Passwords, etc.); and, Transaction data (originating & destination system information, transaction reference, timestamp, amount, etc.).
Consent for collection of Personal Information
Users provide their consent to the use, disclosure, storage, possession, receiving, dealing or handling of their Personal Information by accessing, browsing, or availing services on the Website.
In accordance with Rule 5 of SPI Rules, Users provide their specific consent to the use, disclosure, storage, possession, receiving, dealing or handling of their Sensitive personal data or information for lawful purposes enumerated in this policy through checking the box affirming such consent appearing at the time of creation of their Account on the Website.
Nandisha Tech presumes adequate and lawful parental consent in case the Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information is shared by a User under the age of 18 years.
Types of information we collect
The Users who access and use our Website are required to submit certain Personal Information and Sensitive personal data or information for creating an Account, entering into transactions with us and obtaining customer support services. Personal Information and Sensitive personal data or information which may be collected by us includes:
- full name and age;
- username and password;
- PAN;
- password of User’s account registered with us;
- postal address;
- E-mail address;
- mobile number;
- internet protocol (IP) addresses (through cookies);
- URL of website accessed prior to and post Users’ accessing our Website;
- credit/debit card number, credit/debit card expiration date and/or other payment instrument details;
- User’s feedback, queries, e-mails, letters, suggestions provided to us;
- third party information about concerned User’s activities or postings on the Website;
- Information about the mobile/tab device the App is installed on or mobile device identifier.
- any other information relevant for accessing and using our Website as maybe required by us.
Purpose of collection
We shall collect your Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information only for specific, clear and lawful purposes. These include:
- to give the User a safe, efficient, smooth and personalized experience while using our Website;
- to improve our services and products;
- to respond to your queries or complaints generally related to our services, etc;
- to send promotional emails containing information about our existing and new products/services, newsletters, notify changes in this Policy or other policies etc;
- to analyses the traffic on our Website and conduct market research regarding users’ demographics, interests, and behavior;
- to create new products and services;
- to provide customer support services;
- to detect, prevent and address error, fraud, criminal activity, abuse of our services and technical issues;
- to enforce Terms of Conditions;
- to provide co-branded services in affiliation with more than one corporate entity;
- other such lawful purposes as described at the time of collection of Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information.
How information is collected
We collect information which the User voluntarily provides us at the time of visiting, accessing, browsing and using our Website, our social media profiles, and customer support service. We also collect data automatically by analyzing your online behavior (through cookies).
The User has an option to not provide us with certain information or withdraw consent to provide certain information at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Policy. In case consent is withdrawn, we shall retain your Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information for a period deemed appropriate by us or as mandated by law. On revoking of your consent, we reserve the right to limit access to the various features and services provided on the Website.
Disclosure of information
You expressly consent to and authorize us to share your Personal Information and Sensitive personal data or information with our trusted affiliates and any other third party, to the extent and for the lawful purposes as stated in this Policy. We shall not disclose any Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information to any government institution or authority, except where such disclosure is (i) obligated by law, (ii) requested by a lawfully authorized government authority, (iii) pursuant to a judicial decree, (iv) for enforcing and protecting the legal rights of Nandisha Tech or others’, (v) for seeking any relief, (vi) for defending any charge, (vii) for opposing any claim, (viii) for enforcing this Policy or our Terms of Use, (ix) for obtaining any legal advice. We also reserve our right to disclose, share or transfer your Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information to a third party due to any change in ownership, merger, restructuring or sale of our business assets.
Use of cookies and other technologies
To improve the effectiveness and usability of the Website for our Users, we use “cookies”, or similar technology to collect information and assign each visitor a unique random number called as a User Identification (User ID) in order to understand the User’s individual interests. Our web servers automatically collect limited information about the User’s computer connection to the Internet, including User’s IP address, when the User visits the Website (User’s IP address is a number that lets computers connected to the internet know where to send data to the User such as the web pages viewed by the User).
Users may encounter “cookies” or other similar devices on certain pages of the Website that are placed by third parties. We do not control the use of cookies by third parties and disclaim any obligation or liability associated thereto.
Links to other websites
The Website provides links to other websites which may or may not collect information about the User. The User acknowledges that this Policy does not cover the collection and use of information by such sites and that we shall not be responsible for the privacy policies, practices or content of the linked websites.
Correction and updation of information
The User shall promptly notify us in case any Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information supplied by such User as maintained in our records is inaccurate, misleading or incomplete. Further, the User may also review, update or modify the information by logging into their Account on the Website. We shall not be responsible for the authenticity of Personal Information or Sensitive personal data or information supplied by a User.
Retention of information
Your Personal Information and Sensitive personal data or information may be retained and used until: (i) the relevant purposes for the use of your information described in this Policy are no longer applicable; and (ii) we are no longer required by applicable law, regulations, contractual obligations or legitimate business purposes to retain your information; and (iii) the retention of your information is not required for the establishment, exercise or defense of any legal claim.
Nandisha Tech may send direct mailers to the User at the email address given by the User. The User has the option to opt-out of this direct mailer by way of links provided at the bottom of each mailer or any other means as Nandisha Tech deems appropriate. Nandisha Tech respects every User’s privacy and in the event that User chooses to not receive such mailers, Nandisha Tech will take all steps to remove the User from the list. If a User wants to remove his/her/it’s contact information from all mailing lists and newsletters, the same can be done through “Profile” page of his/her/it’s account with Nandisha Tech.
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website. These companies may use your anonymized information (i.e. information which does not include your name, address, email address or mobile number) in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. Such anonymized information is usually in the form of aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages within our Website.
Data Localization
In compliance with Reserve Bank of India’s circular RBI/2017-18/153 DPSS.CO.ODNo.2785/06.08.005/2017-2018 dated April 6, 2018, all Users, including system participants, service providers, intermediaries, payment gateways, third party vendors and other entities in the payments ecosystem, who are retained or engaged by Nandisha Tech for providing payment services shall mandatorily store entire Payment Data in systems located only in India. Notwithstanding the above, for cross border transaction data, consisting of a foreign component and a domestic component, a copy of the domestic component may also be stored abroad, if required.
How we secure the information
The Website has put stringent security measures necessary to prevent misuse, unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction of your Personal Information and Sensitive personal data or information in our control. All information collected by us is stored on servers secured behind a firewall; such servers are password-protected and access is strictly limited based on need-to-know basis.
We may undertake periodic review of our security safeguards and this Policy to incorporate such future changes as may be appropriate to ensure that integrity of your Personal Information and Sensitive personal data or information is intact. In case of any security breach which is likely to cause harm to the User, we shall notify the User of such breach as soon as practicable and take necessary measures to remedy the breach or mitigate any immediate harm.
If you seek any clarifications regarding this Policy or wish to raise any issue or grievance with respect to illegal access, use or disclosure of Personal Information, please e-mail at
We shall attempt to resolve any issues within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the question, concern, grievance or report.